GreenGen Organicc PVT LTD

Go rich Farming
with best products in market

We serve with organic products and related supplies for your farm with more reliability and trust. we also share our experts knowledge for effective use of these products.

Our Products

We serve the categories of organic supplies

Organic Inputs

Farm Equipments & Machines

Micro Nutrients

Mulch Sheet & Tarppaulin

Bio Fertilizers

Irrigation System

Our Story

We Supply The Best Organic Products

For the past one decade, farmers are thinking to switch to sustainable agriculture by practicing organic farming, Integrated Farming System, Integrated Nutrient Management, Integrated Pest Management etc., but they found difficult in accessing to knowledge and organic inputs. Hence, our firm is started with intention of providing knowledge and inputs for sustainable agriculture with low cost technologies.

Our firm is committed to improve the farmer’s livelihood and increase the income by providing the technical knowledge for each and every problem for the farming community.

Hence, we are a team of agricultural and business professionals worked a lot and found some exceptional inputs and technology for the farmers community and inviting all of you to join hands with us for better life for the soil, crops, animals and human beings.


certified organic products

Farmer Friendly

always reliable

100% Organic

Trustable and certified

Build your own farm better than ever

This is a gate way to the home of good,
Natural, and Sustainable farming

We are the team of Agri professionals behind the genesis of this organization includes